asian wedding information
Everything You Need to Know About Weddings
Visit Australia for Asian Chinese Weddings Sydney
Visit Australia for Asian Chinese Weddings Sydney.
First of all Sydney Harbour has spectacular Wedding Locations for traditional white weddings. Many Chinese & Asian professionals who have immigrated to Sydney choose mid week weddings. As Families can fly in on a Monday when Hotels are good value. Wednesday Weddings are proving popular. You can get great deals on reception centres and Harbour Cruise Vessels. Then guests and family fly back home by Friday ! I love Asian Chinese Weddings Sydney.
Then there are the Starship Sydney and Pontoon 2 amazing glass vessels. So Imagine floating on Sydney Harbour for the wedding and reception where you will be protected from the weather inside a glass boat. Then you will see the joyous faces of your family from China or Asia as they board a vessel at The Opera House! That is a great gift to give everyone who attends a Sydney Harbour Wedding. These photos are of 2 different weddings on Pontoon Wedding and Reception Vessel. Tea ceremony can be done after the wedding ceremony.
Other locations to consider are: The Royal Botanic Garden Sydney offers stunning views of the The Opera House and Harbour Bridge in a formal Botanic Garden setting. Another premium wedding location is Hickson Rd Reserve at Circular Quay. Opposite the Opera House and underneath the Harbour Bridge.Then there is Bradfield Park and Blues Point allow Weddings Under 60 guest without a booking fee. It’s first in gets the position and there is always plenty of space to set up a small or large wedding. Bradfield park is perfect for Budget weddings and Elopements. I can offer location suggestions with you budget in mind. I love Asian Chinese Weddings Sydney.
I’d like to take a moment on to thank the Asian Community. Both in Australia and Asia for their support over the years. Having conducted over 400 weddings I get to meet people from all over the globe. One of the things I love about Australia is how multi cultural Australia is and what a stunning city Sydney is to have a wedding in!
I’ve been touched by how I have been embraced by the Vietnamese and Chinese communities here in Australia. As well as the Malaysian, Indonesian, Cambodian and Japanese, Korean and Pilipino families I have met along the way. The kindness and cooperation I have received from guests at weddings gives me very warm feelings and memories. I try hard to pronounce all nationalities names and I think getting pretty good at that. If Grandma nods her head and smiles I know I’ve got the couples names correct! Phew! Please call or email for help with your wedding
Marriage Registration Paperwork
One months notice must be given to have a legal wedding in Australia and the paperwork. A Notice Of Intent to Marry = NOIM can be signed in your home country before flying in for the wedding. I can give you clear instructions via email on how to do that.
Looking For An Affordable Marriage Celebrant in Sydney?
Fiona Here, I'm A Celebrant With 10 Years Experience

I would love to talk with you regarding your wedding large or small. Your welcome to contact me for a chat, email or set up a Zoom or Skype meeting.