pagan wedding ceremonies information
Pagan Weddings
Sydney Pagan Celebrant Fiona King.
Pagan Ceremonies honour the energy of nature and the equality and of a man and a woman finding unity in love.
Ceremonies of this nature honour the elements that sustain life.
These symbols reflect the modern values of caring for the environment
and equality in relationships.
Pagan ceremonies can also performed as same sex unions.
These are the tools I use in my pagan ceremonies.
This style of Ceremony is flamboyant with props – candles – goblets – swords -feathers
and rocks & crystals to symbolize the 4 elements AIR-FIRE-WATER-EARTH
After careful historical research I have devised wedding rituals that are drawn from
Anglo-Celtic & European heritage.
Pre 1700’s most marriages were held outdoors & outside of the church, only landowning families were married inside the church.
The customs of handfasting, sword presenting and broomstick jumping are all
living history traditions stemming from this time.
Jumping broomsticks is said to have originated in both Cornwall and Africa.
Jumping the Sword and Broomstick !
Weddings can be incorporated into period and themed ceremonies.
They are often combined with the Handsfasting Ceremony.
I have had an interest in this type of spirituality since the 1990’s and fully understand
the nature of the symbolism involved. Pagan ceremonies are family friendly,
they are growing in popularity with the general public’s understanding and acceptance.
Ceremonies can be simple and discrete or theatrical and fun.
As always it’s a choice for the couple to make .
Sydney Pagan Celebrant Fiona King
Stone Circle Sydney
Pagan Ceremonies are conducted in a sacred circle.
I am aware of 2 Parks in Sydney that have stone circles, if anyone out there knows of natural stone circles or Victorian celtic revival stone circles please contact me as I would love to know about them!
Looking For An Affordable Marriage Celebrant in Sydney?
Fiona Here, I'm A Celebrant With 10 Years Experience

I would love to talk with you regarding your wedding large or small. Your welcome to contact me for a chat, email or set up a Zoom or Skype meeting.